Microwave solution for gas abatement : 915 MHz generator and plasma source

As global warming increases, and the regulators push for drastic cuts in emissions, we offer cost-effective solutions to reduce the VOC and greenhouse gases generated by your processes as well as gasification solutions

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Plasma gas abatement

Reduction of pollutant emissions is one of the most important issues that is of concern to industry today. Indeed, the reduction of the global warming potential (GWP) via the abatement of greenhouse gases such as PFC (Perfluorocarbons), HFC (Hydrofluorocarbons), SF6 (SF6 has a greenhouse impact 24 000 times higher than CO2) is a major priority.


VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and NOx have harmful effects on health and on the environment, NO2 being 40 times more toxic than CO for example.

Plasma gasification

Gasification allows the conversion of organic carbonaceous materials, fossil fuel and biomass into syngas such as CO, H2 and CO2. Combustion of syngas obtained from biomass is considered to be a source of renewable energy.


Both gas abatement and gasification require high temperatures which can be achieved thanks to microwave plasma.

Downstream plasma source

This surface wave plasma source works at 2,45 GHz and generates plasma in dielectric tubes placed in a standard WR340 waveguide. It enables the ignition and sustaining of long plasma columns depending on the pressure, the microwave power and the nature of the gas.


The Downstream plasma source is ideal for working at pressures from 10-1 mbar up to atmospheric pressure with dielectric tube diameters between 30 and 50 mm. At atmospheric pressure, a vortex injection system and a plasma ignition system are provided. The plasma source can operate at 10 kW without time limitation.

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