Industrial production of hydrogen by microwave plasma
Our customer wanted to produce hydrogen by microwave plasma, from methane. His first request was to study the technical feasibility before an industrial scale-up.
SAIREM’s microwave plasma solutions are particularly adapted for power-to-X applications, by offering MW generators and plasma sources from laboratory to industrial scale.
Energy efficiency is one of the parameters particularly looked at when producing green energy, an area in which microwave plasma solutions offer outstanding yield, with 100% of the power transmitted to the gas for applications like :
Our microwave plasma technologies are fully adapted to Power-to-Hydrogen applications, as they offer high efficiency methane cracking to obtain “turquoise” hydrogen as well as sub-products like carbon and acetylene.
If made from biogaz, the cracking process through microwave plasma can be fully carbon neutral, which gives this technology a decisive advantage compared to others solutions.
Our downstream microwave plasma source is especially designed for both the synthesis of special gases and for assisting chemical reactions with reactive gas species. It is well suited for your Power-to-X applications such as Power-to-Gas, Power-to-Syngas or Power-to-Chemistry.
This plasma source works with dielectric tubes of 30, 40 and 50 mm diameter and a 2450 MHz microwave generator of 3, 6, or 10 kW power, at atmospheric pressure. It is designed to be used in industrial facilities and R&D laboratories for a very large range of applications. The auto-ignition system coupled with the automatic matching unit makes it really user friendly.
More information about DownstreamTo help you validate your process, we offer a fully equipped test center with numerous equipment to test your application at low power before scaling to an industrial solution :
Our GLP range of generators delivers from 18 kW up to 100 kW of microwave power at 915 MHz for your power-to-X applications. These continuous wave microwave generators are made of a single cabinet with a power supply and a magnetron. For a better efficiency, a PLC controller drives simultaneously the magnetron anodic power, electromagnet field and filament current.
The result is a very low power setting possibility, maximum efficiency, and increased magnetron life time.
Contact usCompact, reliable, and industrially designed, our OEM microwave plasma solutions are easily integrable into your own equipments. Our experts will support you on every phase of the process, by performing extensive simulations, to optimize your process.
We have years of experience in microwave and plasma system development. By choosing SAIREM, you are relying on a partner with a strong R&D, support culture, and high flexibility since its origins.
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10 kW microwave generator at 2450 MHz.
Surface wave plasma source at 2450 MHz up to 10 kW.
100 kW microwave generator at 915 MHz.