+33 (0)4 72 01 81 60SAIREM offers a full range of lab-scale machines for drying processes. They can easily be used to do tests on different products such as food or industrial materials. Microwaves and radio frequencies are perfectly suited for drying processes thanks to their quickness and homogeneity.
Drying food products and materials may require multiple feasibility tests before going to industrial scale. Our range of pilot scale solutions give you the ability to test the drying of your product with our technologies so you can determinate if microwave or RF are right for your process.
The properties of microwaves and radio-frequencies make them ideal to dry quickly a lot of food products or materials. Our equipment start rising the temperature immediately and uniformly through the product, for a fast and efficient drying. The selective heating allows to dry material without altering it.
All our laboratory equipment are set with numerous sensors in order to be able to analyze all the parameters in depth.
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